How to Craft the Perfect AI Prompt for Blog Post


Have you ever stared at a blank ChatGPT screen, wondering how to craft the perfect prompt? Well, you’re not alone. In this article, I’ll share the ultimate AI prompt formula that I wish I’d known from the start. It’s a game-changer that will help you create content so good, both search engines and humans will love it. Let’s dive right in!

The Problem with Simple Prompts

First, let’s look at what happens when you use a basic prompt. Say you ask ChatGPT something like:

"Generate an article draft about how to maintain e-bike battery"

Sure, you’ll get a decent result. But we can do so much better! The key is to craft a prompt that guides the AI to create more dynamic, engaging content.

Crafting the Perfect Prompt

Pretend as someone that's been using e-bikes for more than 3 years. Generate a 1200-word SEO-friendly article draft about "How to Maintain an E-Bike Battery". The target audience is people who just bought an e-bike for the first time. Use a conversational human-like tone. Make sure the article is informative and engaging, with no fluff. Vary the length of sentences to make the content more dynamic. Sprinkle with bold text, bullet points, and info tables to make the article easier to read. Add 3-5 short key takeaways at the very beginning and an FAQ section at the very end. Use headings that create intrigue.

Here’s the secret sauce – a step-by-step guide to creating the ultimate AI prompt:

  1. Set the context: Start by giving the AI a persona. For example:
    “Pretend you’re someone who’s been using e-bikes for more than three years.”
  2. Specify the content: Be clear about what you want:
    “Generate a 1200-word SEO-friendly article draft about how to maintain an e-bike battery.”
  3. Define the audience: Who are you writing for?
    “The target audience is people who just bought an e-bike for the first time.”
  4. Choose the tone: How should it sound?
    “Use a conversational, human-like tone.”
  5. Ensure quality: Ask for engaging, fluff-free content:
    “Make sure the article is informative and engaging with no fluff.”
  6. Add dynamism: Request varied sentence structures:
    “Vary the length of sentences to make the content more dynamic.”
  7. Include formatting elements: Ask for visual breaks in the text:
    “Sprinkle with bold text, bullet points, and info tables to make the article easier to read.”
  8. Request key sections: Ask for summary and FAQ sections:
    “Add 3-5 short key takeaways at the very beginning and an FAQ section at the very end.”
  9. Make headings intriguing: Ask for attention-grabbing headers:
    “Use headings that create intrigue.”

The Result: A Superior Article

When you combine all these elements, you’ll get an article that’s not just informative, but also engaging and visually appealing. It’ll have varied sentence structures, interesting headings, and useful formatting that makes it easy to scan – perfect for both human readers and search engines.


Crafting the perfect AI prompt is an art, but with this formula, you’re well on your way to mastering it. Remember, the key is to guide the AI with specific instructions about context, audience, tone, and structure. With practice, you’ll be creating amazing content in no time!

So, next time you’re facing that blank ChatGPT screen, give this prompt formula a try. You might just be amazed at the results!

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