Base64 Decoder

The “Base64 Decoder” tool allows users to quickly decode Base64 encoded strings into readable text.

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What is Base64 encoding?

Base64 encoding is a method of converting binary data, such as images or files, into an ASCII string format using a specific character set, which ensures the data is safe to transmit over text-based protocols like email or JSON.

How do I use the Base64 Decoder tool?

Simply paste your Base64 encoded string in the input box and the tool will automatically decode it, displaying the readable text in the output box. You can also click the “Copy Decoded Text” button to copy the decoded text to your clipboard.

Can I decode any Base64 encoded string?

Yes, you can decode any valid Base64 encoded string using this tool. Ensure the string is properly formatted, as invalid Base64 strings may result in errors or incomplete decoding.

Is the Base64 decoded data secure?

Base64 decoding itself does not add any security to the data. It’s important to handle sensitive information with care and use appropriate encryption methods if security is a concern.